Hey everybody!?! Eric here, and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our cabinet journey here.
I couldn’t believe it, but it’s true. Today marks the 13th anniversary of MTKC’s grand opening. Happy 13, MTKC! Over the years, my family and I have been through a lot of ups and downs with MTKC. From the water pipe burst that flooded our San Mateo showroom and took us 9 months to rebuild, to the Great Recession of 2008, on to some of the best years that followed in the Bay Area real estate boom, and to our eventual decision to switch from our showroom to a home business… all I’m trying to say is, it’s been a lot, AND I am super grateful for ALL of it.
The past 13 years has given me the opportunity to serve many of the homeowners here around the Bay (I think our invoice number is right around 1,000? Or super close to it if we haven’t already reached it). It’s given me the chance to meet many wonderful people in the home industry. It’s also given me the flexibility to work and design while also going back to school, as well as given me the opportunity to take a stab at the technology startup world here in the valley. Most importantly, it gave me the chance to work with my parents, and be closer to them while I learn more about myself, and my own capabilities.
These experiences have been invaluable for me, and I could not be more grateful for all the opportunities and people who have come along the way. The past 13 years has taught me resilience and grit, and helped shape me into who I am. Now, without getting super touchy feely, let me just say, “thank you”, to each and every one of my customer, every vendor I’ve ever had, every one of the folks I’ve met in the trades, and last but not least, my family in working with me in MTKC, and putting up with me for all these years. =] And if the above list of “every” body doesn’t cover you, and you’re still reading this, well, thank you too, for reading ’til the end. =] Thank you for everyone’s support, and here’s to another 13? 26? 39 years? (Actually I don’t know if I want to be working in my mid 70s… but at least I can multiply by 13?? haha)